

"Untitled by Chelsey Scheffe"

Loving: Pops of gold, expansive white space, circles and triangles, simplicity.

Thinking: About how badly I want to visit the beach. It's about time.

Planning: The first collection of paintings for Birch & Bees. I'm breaking out into this brand new style, and I'm so thrilled.

Anticipating: Working out some projects that will (hopefully) make great fodder for my portfolio. I'm excited to see if everything comes together the way that I hope. 

Listening To: Mc Xander. I've been on beatboxing binge the past couple weeks. See Evidence #1, Evidence #2, Evidence #3. Love it all.

Working on: Cleaning up the studio! I've been doing bits here and there. But today I'm really going to gut the room and do some deep cleaning and organizing. I've got a lot of projects to make in order to liven the space and make it a fun place to be and work.

Enjoying: This simple photograph from Chelsey Scheffe. It's so effortlessly amazing. (I wish I had a dozen blankets like that.)